Do something special this summer.
Every summer, Cadets receive amazing opportunities to hone and practice their tactical eadership skills in a myriad of different environments. Keep scrolling to find out more!

Army schools
Summer Camp for College Students:
Missing adventure in the summer? The Steel Battalion offers plentiful opportunities for cadets who interested in developing themselves militarily over the summer. Cadets interested in summer training are encouraged to speak with their instructors to identify the Army course that best fits their unique talents and abilities. All cadets are required to complete Advanced Camp prior to commissioning and most attend the summer prior to their senior year of college.
Air Assualt.
Army ROTC cadets may attend the US Army Air Assault School at any number of Army posts. This physically demanding 12-day course trains soldiers to conduct military operations with Army Aviation support. In addition to a challenging physical training program, the course includes instruction on preparing and inspecting external sling loads, rappelling from helicopters, and a 12-mile timed road march in full combat gear. Cadets who graduate are awarded the U.S. Army Air Assault Badge. Air Assault School adds to an officer's professional development regardless of future Branch or assignment choices. Air Assault qualification is a requirement for officers assigned to the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and is highly encouraged for officers assigned to the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division (Light) and 25th "Tropic Lightning" Infantry Division (Light)
Army ROTC cadets may attend the US Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia. This physically demanding three-week course trains soldiers to conduct military parachute operations. During the final week of the course, cadets conduct five parachute jumps as a prerequisite to graduation. Cadets who graduate are awarded the U.S. Army Parachutist Badge. Airborne School adds to an officer's professional development regardless of future branch or assignment choices. Airborne qualification is a prerequisite for assignment to the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division. Additionally, extra military schooling opportunities may be made available upon graduation from the Officers' Basic Course to officers who are already Airborne qualified.
Jungle Warfare.
Army ROTC cadets may attend the US Army Jungle Operations Training Course (JOTC) at Schofield Barracks Army Base, Hawaii. JOTC spans 20 (day zero included) days through which students execute a 19 day program of instruction. Subjects focus on jungle mobility training, waterborne operations, combat tracking, jungle tactics, survival training and situational training exercises at the squad level. Graduates of JOTC learn tactics, techniques, and procedures required to fight, win, and survive within any tropical jungle environment. The course consists of three weeks of training following the crawl, walk, run methodology embedded within each activity as well as the overall training path.
SF Combat Diver Course.
Army ROTC cadets may attend the Combat Diver Qualification Course at the United States Naval Air Station in Key West, Florida. For four weeks, combat divers are trained in waterborne operations to include day and night ocean subsurface navigation swims, day and night team infiltration dives, deep dives, diving physics, marine hazards, tides and currents, submarine lock-in/lock-out familiarization, and closed-circuit and open-circuit dives. The Combat Diver Qualification Course is physically and mentally demanding. It is the responsibility of you and your unit to ensure that you are prepared for the course when you arrive.
Mountain Warfare.
Army ROTC cadets may attend the U.S. Army Mountain Warfare School at Ethan Allen Firing Range, Vermont. This a two-week course taught by the Vermont National Guard is designed to make you an expert in mountain operations. Mountain Warfare School is both physically and mentally demanding. Training is non-stop, 15 hours per day, for 14 days. Students are taught and educated about mountain travel techniques, cold weather clothing, environmental injuries, soldier load management, characteristics of mountain terrain, basic mountaineering equipment, long range marksmanship in mountainous terrain, map reading in mountainous terrain, terrain exploitation, and land navigation. You must be able to carry a 65-pound rucksack up to five miles per day in mountainous terrain.
Cadet Troop Leadership Training.
Army ROTC cadets are provided the unique opportunity to experience the work environment of an active duty Second Lieutenant between their junior and senior years. Cadets are assigned for a three week period (four weeks for OCONUS assignments) to Second Lieutenant positions in the active army, usually to platoon leader positions, and are expected to lead soldiers in the accomplishment of unit missions. This on-the-job experience is potentially the most relevant and rewarding leadership training available to cadets in their preparation for commissioning as Second Lieutenants. CTLT cadets interact with unit commanders, junior officers, noncommissioned officers, and soldiers in the "real life" environment of the unit. Assignment to particular units or locations is based on allocations. In addition to room and board and reimbursement for travel expenses, cadets also receive pay while participating in CTLT.
Drill Cadet Leader Training.
Army ROTC (non-SMP) cadets may attend the 4-week program that provides an opportunity to apply leadership skills, interact with highly skilled and experienced Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) and drill sergeants, and improve common task skill proficiency in an Army training environment. Cadets serve in positions with the cadre of Initial Entry Training (IET) and One-Station Unit Training (OSUT) – Basic Combat Training. Advanced Camp must be successfully completed prior.
Nurse Summer Training Program.
Army ROTC cadets have the opportunity for a unique summer nursing experience. The paid, three-week Nurse Summer Training Program assigns Cadets to Army hospitals throughout the U.S. and Germany. The nursing program introduces you to the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and to the roles and responsibilities of an Army Nurse Corps Officer. Under the supervision of an experienced Army Nurse Corps Officer, cadets will obtain hands-on experience. One-on-one clinical experience allows cadets to hone their clinical skills, develop problem-solving techniques and become comfortable with developing professional skills as a member of the U.S. Army Healthcare Team.
Northern Warfare Training.
Army ROTC cadets may attend the U.S. Army Northern Warfare Training Center at Fort Greely, Alaska. This three week course provides training in the skills required for survival, movement, and the conduct of military operations in mountainous terrain and cold regions. Students are taught basic mountain climbing and mountaineering skills including rock climbing, mountain walking techniques, basic knots, ice climbing, and route selection. The course culminates in a three-day field exercise that takes place on Gulkana Glacier. Students learn the importance of trusting their equipment and build confidence in themselves. This professional development course is advisable for those considering assignment to units in Alaska.

Cadet Summer Training.
Cadets are required to attend the 31-day training event that is designed to assess a cadet’s ability to demonstrate proficiency in basic officer leadership tasks. Cadets are evaluated on their ability to lead at the Squad and Platoon levels, both in garrison and tactical environments. Cadets are mentally and physically tested during a 12-day consequence driven field training exercise that replicates a combat training center rotation. Successful completion of the Advanced Camp is a prerequisite for commissioning.