Get paid to attend college and become a leader in the Army.
Active scholarships cover full tuition at any college or university or a flat rate of $10,000 for room and board. Students usually choose the second option if outside scholarships and grants cover more than the cost of room and board. However, Lehigh University, Desales University, Lafayette College, and Moravian College offer a supplemental room and board scholarships to cadets with active scholarships meaning that many cadets at these institutions attend them at no cost. Additionally, active scholarships provide a book stipend of $1,200 per year.
Depending on where you are on your military journey, there are many different scholarship options. All outcomes are the same: full tuition coverage (during the activated period), a tax-free stipend, book allowances, and commissioning into the world’s greatest Army as a 2nd Lieutenant.
4 Year National Scholarship
Eligible: High school students
Active Period: 4 years
Service Obligation: 8-year commitment comprised of 4 years active + 4 years reserve, or 8 years reserve
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must be at least 17 years of age by October of the semester you are entering college
Must not reach 27 years of age by June 30 of the year you will graduate from college
If you are taking or have taken college courses you must be considered a freshman and have four academic years remaining for a baccalaureate degree upon enrollment
Have a minimum high school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Satisfactorily explain any record of arrest and/or civil conviction
Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms, or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States
3-Year Advanced Designee Scholarship
Eligible: High school students (with required participation in ROTC freshman year of college)
Active Period: 3 years
8-year commitment comprised of 4 years active + 4 years reserve, or 8 years reserve
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must be at least 17 years of age by October of the semester you are entering college
Must not reach 27 years of age by June 30 of the year you will graduate from college
If you are taking or have taken college courses you must be considered a freshman and have four academic years remaining for a baccalaureate degree upon enrollment
Have a minimum high school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Satisfactorily explain any record of arrest and/or civil conviction
Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms, or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States
Campus-based scholarships
Eligible: Cadets participating in ROTC without a scholarship
Active Period: 2-4 years
8-year commitment comprised of 4 years active + 4 years reserve, or 8 years reserve
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must not reach 31 years of age by 31 December of the year you will graduate from college
You must be considered an academic sophomore for the 3-Year and an academic junior for the 2-year Scholarship, and have the same number of years remaining for a baccalaureate degree upon enrollment
Have a minimum college GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Satisfactory explain any record of arrest and/or civil conviction
Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States
Green-2-Gold Scholarship
Eligible: Active service members with a minimum of 2 years of experience
Active Period: 2-4 years
Service Obligation: 8-year commitment comprised of 4 years active + 4 years reserve, or 8 years reserve
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
U.S. Citizen (non-waivable)
Must not reach over 30 years of age on the date of the projected graduation and commission. (waivers can be requested)
Cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Crime
Have a minimum of 2 years Active Duty at the time of application as well as 3 months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (waiver can be requested)
GT score of 110 or greater
Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion
Favorable National Agency Check (or have initiated the action)
DODMERB Medical Qualification
Be eligible to Reenlist
Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States
No more than 3 dependents including spouse (a waiver is available)
Dedicatee Guaranteed Reserve Force Duty Scholarship (DED-GRFD)
Eligible: 2nd and 3rd year students
Active Period: 2-3 years
Service Obligation: Participation in the Simultaneous Member Program (SMP) during the active scholarship and 4 years reserve or national guard
Participation in the SMP is composed of paid (rank E-5/SGT)
Drilling with their unit one weekend a month
Drilling with their unit for two weeks annually
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must not reach 31 years of age by 31 December of the year you will graduate from college
Have a minimum High school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Score a minimum of 920 on the SAT and 19 on the ACT.
Satisfactory explain any record of arrest and/or civil conviction
Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States
Must complete the ROTC Basic Course requirements or Basic Training
Must be willing to participate in the SMP program with a Guard or Reserve unit. If you do not belong to a unit, you must obtain a letter of acceptance to the unit, stating that they will accept you as an SMP cadet.
Must be medically qualified
Minute-Man Scholarship
Eligible: Highschool students
Active Period: 4 years
Service Obligation: Participation in the Simultaneous Member Program (SMP) during the active scholarship and 8 years reserve or national guard
Participation in the SMP is composed of paid (rank E-5/SGT)
Drilling with their unit one weekend a month
Drilling with their unit for two weeks annually
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must not reach 31 years of age by 31 December of the year you will graduate from college
Have a minimum High school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Score a minimum of 920 on the SAT and 19 on the ACT.
Satisfactory explain any record of arrest and/or civil conviction
Have no moral or personal conviction against bearing arms or supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States
Must complete the ROTC Basic Course requirements or Basic Training
Must be willing to participate in the SMP program with a Guard or Reserve unit. If you do not belong to a unit, you must obtain a letter of acceptance to the unit, stating that they will accept you as an SMP cadet.
Must be medically qualified