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Ben Mogoi is the Lehigh University Steel Battalion Supply Technician with more than 10 years’ experience in the Logistics and Supply chain industry. He is very passionate about the industry and takes great pride in his work. Ben spent 7 years in the United States Army as an automated logistics specialist where he worked in Supply Support Activity (Warehouse) and Vehicle maintenance sections respectively where he managed shop stock and bench stock inventories, requisitioned, and stoked supplies to ensure there is always a safety stock to meet the demands of the organization.  He has experience in all aspects of logistics and that is including Army publications forms and regulations used to manage supplies.

In his current role, he manages all logistics needs for the Lehigh University SROTC program and also mentors cadets who assume cadet S4 duties.  When Mr. Mogoi is not working, he likes to spend time with his family. 

His hobbies include biking, running and watching soccer, especially the English Premier league.